There is very little left for the ball to start rolling in the World Cup in Qatar. A competition watched with a magnifying glass from the election of the headquarters due to the wide shadow of corruption and violation of human rights that surrounds it. Something that is not going to prevent the 32 participating countries from doing everything possible to take the cat into the water.

A parallel competition. Beyond the sport, the grace of the World Cups are also the stories that surround it. From the effort of a young Mexican saving coins for two years to be able to travel to Qatar, to the madness for trading cards in Argentina, including a beer competition invented by an English fan.

The best beer from each country. The Twitter user @ballstothis wanted to organize a parallel competition to distinguish which is the best beer. For this, he has chosen the one that for him is the most relevant in each country. A total of 32 beers. Which do you think he has chosen from Spain?

In numbers. The elaborate list that the fan wrote in the Twitter thread has aroused great interest among users, as reflected by the more than 86,000 ‘likes’ of the publication at the time of writing this article or the more than 13,000 retweets. In addition, it has generated more than 2,700 comments between various recommendations and critics.

Brand reaction. Some beer companies have not been unaware of the impact of this publication. The Pilsener Ecuador Twitter account has appreciated the mention: “Let us know when you come to Ecuador to receive you in pure Ecuadorian style.” While Heineken has regretted not appearing on the list.

The beer paradox. Despite the fact that this peculiar world of beers has had an overwhelming success, where this drink will not be so successful is in Qatar. In the country, it is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages in public, but they can be purchased in certain hotels and restaurants. Likewise, during the tournament alcohol will be sold in some Fan Zones delimited by FIFA and the organization with specific hours.

In addition, those people who are under the influence of alcohol will be taken to designated spaces until they recover their serenity.