Junts per Catalunya will present an amendment to the entirety with an alternative text to the bill of the PSOE and Unidas Podemos in the debate on the entire repeal of the crime of sedition in the Penal Code and the modification of aggravated public disorder. This was announced this Thursday by the JxCat spokesperson in Congress, Miriam Nogueras.

The alternative proposal, as Nogueras has detailed, will be based on the jurisprudence dictated by the European courts in the last four years as a result of the process and will be “clear, concise, precise and without any ambiguity”.

Another aspect that the formation has pointed out these days is that they want sedition to be repealed without there being any change in the crime of public disorder and for the retroactive effects of the repeal to be clarified, as happened, for example, 20 years ago with the repeal of insubordination.

Nogueras explained that they will focus on repealing sedition and that they will not modify embezzlement, although they will study any possible amendments that may be presented on this second crime. “The crime of sedition goes out the door but that of aggravated public disorder comes through the window and that is an absolutely unacceptable counterpart,” she stated.

This full amendment with alternative text, a resource that will presumably also be used by the PP, Vox and Ciudadanos, will force another debate to be held in the Plenary Session of Congress, in addition to the one to take it into consideration, scheduled for next week, and the final approval of the rule.