The deputy spokesman for EH Bildu in the Congress of Deputies, Oskar Matute, announced this Thursday an agreement with the PSOE to respect the “full powers of the Basque haciendas to manage the tax on banks and electricity companies” and to evaluate at the end of its application in 2024 if it would be appropriate to give these taxes a permanent character.

At a press conference in Congress, Matute defended that with the management of the Basque haciendas they are given “a fundamental instrument” for their tax collection competition and that “they can become permanent and structural guarantees a better redistribution of wealth”. . In his opinion, based on the parameters of poverty and inequality, the analysis carried out in 2024 “cannot reflect any other consideration than making them permanent.”

In any case, the deputy spokesperson for EH Bildu wanted to warn that this agreement guarantees the vote in favor of the Abertzale group for the commission’s opinion on both taxes, which will be debated next week in the plenary session of Congress, but “does not mean that they can counting the votes of the five deputies of EH Bildu as affirmative votes to the General State Budget”, only “favors that we continue negotiating”.

Matute guaranteed that, in the negotiation of the Budgets, whose opinion of the commission is also voted on next week in plenary (in the commission EH Bildu is supporting it) “all the measures that we are putting on the table are of a social nature” and “to provide more capacity to the popular classes”, Basque and all of Spain.

Asked if the Housing Law, with the amendments that Bildu has presented together with Unidas Podemos and ERC, will be one of the demands that the Abertzale formation puts forward to vote in favor of the Budgets, he implied that no, by diagnose that both norms “obey different legislative times”, because the one on Housing “is stagnant” and “nothing seems to indicate” that “its resolution can be carried out” during the processing of public accounts.