The educational model in Spain is always the subject of intense debate and generates much criticism. The latest PISA report makes it clear that our country is among the alarming first places in school dropouts in Europe, with a rate of 13.9% (between 18 and 25 years old), although young people between 25 and 34 years old who only have basic studies They are 26.5% of the population.

In such a critical context and where it seems that there is little option to hope for a change for the better, proposals have appeared such as that of the Gumersindo Public Center for Early Childhood and Primary Education in Azcárate de León, which has been chosen as the best school of 2023.

The center itself highlights that they base their educational model on diversity and the humanistic use of technology, both essential for their students to grow up in a rich environment, with an open mind and adapted to today’s world.

In recent years, this school has gone from serving a high number of students with diverse needs and with a significant dropout rate to being a national reference thanks to the development of new educational pedagogies and with methods as apparently superficial as the redesign of its classrooms.

The introduction of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroom, together with the transformation of educational spaces, meant a significant change in roles within the educational environment with the adoption of pedagogies that encourage cooperative work instead of individualism, which has generated a boost in the continuous training of teachers.

The work that teachers and academic management had to do to adapt to this new model was worth it, since they began to see results that put the student and their learning at the center with the increase in their collaboration and creativity and other great advantages such as reducing the digital divide and greater inclusion.

The conversion of some classrooms was also a fundamental work, such as the case of one of the classes that over time had become a warehouse and was reused as a laboratory where students could experiment once a week, proposing hypotheses and checking their results. favoring cooperative work, inciting curiosity, encouraging their desire to learn and allowing them to discover their talents.

Other fundamental rooms of the school that have been transformed were the library, going from being a space of disorder and noise to a quiet place with well-organized loans, as well as the dining room, which has been given a familiar appearance and where include games and activities at lunch time.

Training in pedagogy and teaching strategies is essential to be able to carry out these transformation processes and create schools like Gumersindo de Azcárate de León.

With the Expert Master in Early Childhood Education you acquire knowledge about special educational needs, the role of daycare in childhood and attachment parenting and psychoeducational intervention in behavioral disorders.

Thanks to the Master in Coeducation in Early Childhood Education, participants acquire general knowledge about the implementation of co-educational practices in educational environments aimed at young children.

With the Master in Child and Adolescent Psychology plus Master in Montessori Pedagogy you will learn to identify and treat the most common disorders in childhood and adolescence such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, behavioral problems and much others.