The US authorities have dealt a painful blow, at least economically, to a handful of entities. All for using WhatsApp as a communication channel with their customers.

It’s nothing unreasonable. By law, entities are obliged to eliminate the personal financial information of clients after a period of time, or simply after having completed the procedures that required having it. But since the platforms they used were so complicated, they ended up choosing to carry out procedures through WhatsApp. And they stopped complying with the regulation.

What lessons does this leave us? Professor Pablo Foncillas points to several points. “For years I have been spreading the idea that companies, in order to adapt to the times, must listen to the customer and open up the channels they use,” says the researcher. But not at any price: “It seems obvious to me that the regulations must also be respected. Regulation is key, it exists to prevent abuses. Especially in financial and health issues we must be very careful. Data requires special protection”, complete. On the regulation side, its adaptation to changing times is fine, but it cannot be that it can be circumvented…

So what should they have done? Foncillas points out the answers, otherwise logical, in the video.