The PP is not going to let the Equality Minister, Irene Montero, breathe, not until she apologizes for the accusation she leveled against the PP on Wednesday, of “promoting the culture of rape.” To the request for dismissal that the leaders of the PP have made to Pedro Sánchez, to the request for resignation, and to the disapproval that they will take to Congress, the president of the PP added some lesson that he has to give the minister.

In an act in Albacete, within the “In defense of a great country” campaign, Alberto Núñez Feijóo reminded the head of Equality that when she was in school the PP was already legislating in favor of equality. “I remind her that perhaps when she was in primary school, the PP was already legislating against domestic violence and gender violence,” said the popular leader.

And it is that, he explained, almost 30 years ago, the PP approved “the first plan against domestic violence” and in 2003 the PP approved the first law against domestic violence, and in 2015 the PP approved including as “victims of domestic violence sexist to the children” of women victims of this violence, and in 2017, the PP approved “the first plan to fight against sexist violence that Spain has had” and for this reason “we do not deserve what we are hearing”.

For this reason, the popular leader asked “What has to happen to apologize and act accordingly?” But worrying him, as he is, about the accusation that Irene Montero made against the PP, in Congress, Alberto Núñez Feijóo assured that “it worries him more, is that as long as the law is not changed, there will continue to be sexual offenders who will have fewer penalties than they would have with the previous Penal Code”. Reaching a conclusion, “the most feminist government in the history of Spain is the author of the biggest step backwards that has been taken in the protection of women”, and only that should lead to “the dismissal of the minister”, and the PP , warns “we will not forget”.

But that digression about what happened with Minister Montero occupied a small part of Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s intervention, which coincided with the debate in Congress on the repeal of the crime of sedition. “Today is not a day for jokes,” he said, and to the economic problems, which he does not forget because he considers that it is his forte, the popular leader addressed the crisis that has the Minister of the Interior in the pillory, but above all he stopped in sedition. “While the opposition is defending Spain, those who support Sánchez are repealing the crime of sedition,” thus leaving “democracy unprotected.”

For this reason, the president addressed the “socialist militants” to ask them “not to allow the excesses of sanchismo, not to lose confidence in Spanish society, and to be clear that we Spaniards do not forget those who defend us.” He addressed himself and asked for their support, “to those who feel ashamed because Pedro Sánchez has abandoned the principles of the PSOE, and because a party called feminist is locked in” despite the consequences the law of yes is yes has brought.

He asks for their support, but Feijóo also offers himself to them: “I am here to comply with those who defend the Constitution; I am here to earn their trust,” he said, and “I am here to tell the truth and to serve the Spanish people.” For all this, he asked them to say “enough is enough” to those who repeal sedition, or refuse to modify the law of Yes is yes, because “they are not socialists, they are sanchistas.”