The Ministry of Justice is already working on modifying the ‘only yes is yes’ law to correct the rule, given the perverse consequences of the application by some judges that is causing a constant trickle of reductions in sentences for aggressors sexual.

The debate on the law has also moved to the table of ‘El Ágora de Hora 25’, in La Ser, where the former vice presidents of the Government of Pedro Sánchez, Carmen Calvo and Pablo Iglesias, have staged a heated scuffle on the negotiation this Monday of a possible reform of the law.

The current deputy of the PSOE has admitted before the microphones of the Ser that her party had “very clear objections” to the project of the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, but even so, her “autonomy” was respected. “The Minister of Equality was respected when she said ‘my law is this'”, Calvo clarified to the former leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias.

The former vice president has confessed that both the former Minister of Justice, Juan Carlos Campo, and she said that it was foreseeable that this dripping reduction in sentences would happen. At the same time, the also president of the Equality Commission has criticized the words that Iglesias would have addressed to the former Minister of Justice whom he would have called an “absolute macho” for opposing the law.

After a brief discussion about whether the word addressed would have been “absolute”, Calvo has assured that, in any case, he called him “macho” because “the Minister of Justice, who is now a magistrate of the Constitutional Court, made observations”.

“The President of the Government now does what he has to do,” Calvo assured, who also added that “it is good that he does so.” The PSOE has announced this Monday that it will register in Congress, “very immediately”, a bill that corrects the unwanted effects of the law.

The Minister of Justice, Pilar Llop, has a group of specialized jurists to modify a law that was promoted by Equality, which then did not have real support -only formal- in the time of Juan Carlos Campo. However, Sánchez did not want to create an internal conflict between the government partners and maintained the approval of the regulation, against the objections of Campo and Calvo.

The punctual retouching of the law, the Government has indicated, will be based on “increasing the penalties of the aggressors” without altering the “heart of the law” star of Podemos, which is the explicit consent of women.

In this line, Equality ensures that it will not touch the model based on consent included in the law. “We have presented proposals, which I cannot detail, but they did have to do both with the validity of the transitory law, with its possible location in the preliminary title, as with some adjustment to the minimum sentences that are those that these sentences are fleeing. that we insist that they are a minority”, explained the delegate against Gender Violence, Victoria Rosell.