“The government is not going to touch a comma of consent.” The minister spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, said this at the press conference after the Council of Ministers, responding to insistent questions about the tweaks to the ‘Only yes is yes’ law, which the PSOE and Unidas Podemos are currently negotiating within the Government.

The Government insists that what it is working on is making “technical adjustments so that those unwanted effects that we have observed in the application of the norm do not occur,” stressed Rodríguez, who did not want to enter the scope of these adjustments, more beyond guaranteeing that it will not affect the centrality of consent established by law.

Although she also did not want to give details of the negotiations, the minister spokesperson stressed that “the issue is complex”, and to respond to this complexity “in both ministries, especially the Ministry of Justice, they have the necessary resources to carry out the adjustments ”.

Regarding the trickle of reductions in sentences that has been approved since the approval of the law, “the government has been studying each of these pronouncements, and attending the Supreme Court, waiting for that unification of doctrine”, and that explains why it has not acted before.

In any case, Rodríguez recalled that a month ago, in informal circles with the press, “the president already commented with you that if technical adjustments were necessary they would be made”, although he insisted on the urgency of acting calmly, all the time those adjustments ” They are not easy, they are not simple”.