The agreement between the ERC and the PSC to approve the budgets of Catalonia goes, in the opinion of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, beyond a simple support for the Catalan public accounts, because, according to him, it represents the decision to support the independence movement. For this reason, the president of the PP fears that at the bottom of that agreement is the authorization by the Government of Pedro Sánchez of a referendum in Catalonia, as demanded by the pro-independence parties.

In an interview on Onda Cero, Feijóo stressed that several conclusions can be drawn from the agreement: That the independence movement is broken; that the repeal of the crime of sedition is part of the budget agreement, and what he considers most important, that “the PSC is no longer what it was said to be”, the representation of constitutionalism in Catalonia, and has become a party that Its mission is “to support the Catalan independence movement” so that it continues to govern Catalonia.

For Feijóo, this means “laundering the independence movement” and he understands that the PSC does it because ERC “has the key to the Government in Madrid”, and denounces that for this reason everything they ask for must be granted. To such an extent, said the president of the PP, that “the independence movement has never commanded so much in Spain, and the independence movement has never been granted so many things.” He would prefer that there be an alliance of the constitutionalists in Catalonia, which would win the independence movement at the polls.

That is the reason, Feijóo stressed, that there are doubts among people that “Sánchez is not going to give the go-ahead to a referendum” on self-determination. The reasons to believe that the President of the Government will agree are, according to Feijóo, “that his partners demand it, and that the PSC agrees”, in addition to the fact that “there are members of the Government who consider that a referendum of these characteristics is legitimate to carry it out to the dialogue table”.

Feijóo is clear that his objective is to “prevent it” and he only knows of one way to oppose the holding of that “consultation”, and that is “by winning the elections”, because it is feared that now to continue in the Government, or after the elections If Sánchez has options to govern, it will be something that will be on the table, and he suspects that Sánchez will accept his celebration, as he consented to the abolition of the crime of sedition or the reduction of penalties for embezzlement.

The president of the PP has a bittersweet taste from the debate in the Senate on Tuesday, because “Sánchez was not friendly” and because he does not see any possibility that the chief executive will accept the outstretched hand that he offered him on various issues, from the approval from the reform of the law that only yes is yes, to a great agreement on military aid to Ukraine that Spain has committed to with its allies.

Regarding the law of only yes is yes, Feijóo assured that he is willing to support the reform, because “there are 3,500 people who can benefit from the law if the judges accept their sentence reduction” and at least it would be necessary to “finish with the hemorrhage.” The only requirement that he sets for this support is to “restore the intensity of the sentences”, which is what the Government wants. “Not much more,” he stressed.

Regarding Ukraine, what the president of the PP asks of Sánchez is that he appear in Congress to inform the Spaniards of the government’s decision, how many tanks are going to be delivered and what other weapons he is willing to send. He asks for it, assuring the Prime Minister in advance that he will vote in favor of his plans, but at the same time he claims to know that he will not do so so that the division within the Government is not evident. That is why, he said, he “refuses to inform the people of him.”