The Valencian Community has opened the period this Wednesday to request aid for the rehabilitation of housing that contemplates the Renhata 2023 aid plan, in its seventh edition, and that is intended for both owners, usufructuaries or tenants, for actions on the elements private housing and aimed at improving its quality, sustainability, accessibility and habitability.

The aid is intended for the reform of kitchens, bathrooms, toilets or laundry rooms (not including electrical appliances, boilers, heaters, hobs, ovens or smoke extractors), for adaptation to facilitate use by people with functional diversity and reduced mobility. and the installation of integrated home automation systems for people with functional diversity and reduced mobility. This includes, for example, remote monitoring and control of doors and electronic equipment, voice activation, cameras for dependent care, or fire detection and alarm.

The aid is to subsidize the cost of the work, as well as professional fees (which must be a maximum of 5% of the cost of the works), taxes, rates and tributes. And the only requirements is that the reforms are applied to the habitual and permanent residence of the applicant, which must be more than 20 years old.

The aid can be requested from today, February 1, until May 2, 2023, and serve to cover the cost of works already finished, in progress or not started, but already planned. The application process requires that the applicant seek a collaborating technician from the list proposed by the Generalitat Valenciana, to which the interested professionals have adhered. The application is submitted electronically on the website of the Ministry of Housing