The Mossos d’Esquadra are investigating the circumstances of the death of three people, all of them members of the same family that lived in Sant Martí (Barcelona). The investigators’ hypothesis is that the son would have first murdered his mother, fled with the family car to an open field in Molins de Rei where he killed his father and then committed suicide.

The Investigative Court 30 of Barcelona, ??on duty this Friday, has taken charge of the investigation. The judicial commission (magistrate, prosecutor, coroner and administration lawyer) have already started the process to proceed with the removal of the three bodies.

At the doors of the family home, on Lope de Vega street in the Sant Martí district, a large group of police officers from the Barcelona homicide group were waiting at noon for the arrival of the judicial procession. Along with the researchers there were also members of the scientific police and a social assistance unit of the Barcelona city council.

The crime occurred practically at the doors of a neighborhood school. Around eleven o’clock at noon, the Catalan police radio stations gave a description of a red Ford Escort vehicle that had fled the family home with the son and father. A strong police force was deployed throughout the metropolitan area until the car was located in a field in Molins de Rei. Inside the vehicle was the father, dead, and outside the son who had committed suicide.