May 2023 became the most special month for architect Joaquín Torres and television director Raúl Prieto, who said “I do” at a luxury wedding in Seville. The architect shouted his love for Raúl Prieto from the rooftops: “I decided to keep the promise I made one day to Raúl: I would shout to the world that he is the love of my life.”

A dream wedding to put the finishing touch to their love story, but before their first anniversary, it seems not to be going through its best moment. This is what Joaquín Torres himself has revealed in And Now, Sonsoles, recognizing that he is experiencing a very complicated moment at all levels.

The architect, 53 years old, went to the Sonsoles Ónega program to talk about the family drama he is experiencing after the death of his mother and express his opinion on how his inheritance was being managed. However, the conversation soon revealed other details of his more personal life.

Last December, Joaquín Torres underwent surgery after suffering a serious traffic accident while driving through Madrid that left him completely destroyed. A complicated surgery that lasted more than eight hours, and left him with a broken pelvis and forearm, as well as a lung and liver injury.

His recovery is not being easy at all, because according to what he said, he will have to undergo surgery for the third time due to the intense pain he suffers. In addition, he has to add the personal setback of losing his mother, to whom he was very close. A situation that has led him to a serious crisis with her husband, Raúl Prieto.

“Right now I prioritize myself. I have to heal myself to be able to give to my children, to Raúl,” explained the architect, excited. “I have to get out of this hole. It hurts a lot. I know I’m not up to it but I can’t.”

The architect is aware that his emotional state is taking its toll on his own, as it complicates his daily life, but he cannot help it. “Raúl is being the poor guy, in this kind of misunderstanding, we are having a hard time as a couple,” he admitted.

Very excited, he recognized his guilt in this whole situation. “Right now I have to heal and he is incapable of giving more, he can’t… There comes a time when things don’t work properly… he is the love of my life but now I need to heal and everything else.” It’s secondary.”