Joana Sanz continues trying to cope with one of the most difficult moments of her life. The Canary Islander has packed her bags and traveled to Dubai to continue fulfilling her professional commitments, on which she is totally focused after the imprisonment of her still-husband, the Brazilian international Dani Alves, jailed after being accused of raping a young woman in the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona on December 30.

The Canarian model was traveling to the capital of the United Arab Emirates to sponsor the opening of the first store and clinic of the Spanish beauty firm Laboratorios Sesderma, in the largest and most luxurious shopping center in the world. A moment in which the Tenerife woman was able to focus on her work, but in which she also had a moment of weakness and she confessed, excited, that she was experiencing “a complicated situation” in her life.

The presentation, which was attended by up to 150 guests from various countries, took place at the popular Sushi99 restaurant, in an event full of color and sophistication. An event in which Joana Sanz shone with her own light, with a spectacular dress with transparencies and sequins by the Lebanese designer Zuhair Murad.

Accompanying the model was doctor Gabriel Serrano, with whom she had a conversation in which they talked about many topics, especially beauty, skin care and the memories that the brand brought back to Joana, since it was the one preferred by her mother, who passed away late last year; but also of her feelings. At one point in the impromptu interview, the model admitted that her work has been her lifeline in recent weeks.

“Everything that has to do with my work makes me happy and I feel lucky to be able to move on,” admitted the model. The specialist, who listened to her carefully, also gave her some advice: “Life throws you many times, but after the sadness comes the joy, you’ll see.” Moved, Joana replied: “In my case it’s a complicated situation… The alegrías better be professionals.”

At the event, the model continued with her unplanned “strategy” that she has been carrying out in recent weeks: trying to forget about her problems by focusing on her work, enjoying moments of fun and surrounding herself with her friends, who accompany her. wherever it goes

Almost at the same time that Joana Sanz commented on her social networks that she was going to the Middle East “to sunbathe”, Dani Alves received a visit in prison from his ex-wife and mother of his children, Dinorah Santana, who has always believed in his Innocence: “Dani is innocent and will soon be proven. Me and his children believe in him and we believe in his innocence, ”she declared when leaving Brians 2.