Isabel Preysler does not raise her head. The socialite reappeared spectacularly at the Elle Women Summit, a meeting on female leadership organized by Elle magazine to make female talent visible, assuring that she was “very good” and “absolutely” passed on everything that has to do with her ex-partner, Mario Vargas llosa; or whatever controversy she seems to attract lately.

However, nothing could be further from the truth. This is what her entourage confesses to the magazine ¡Hola!, who want to put things in their place to help overcome the situation of “total disadvantage” in which Isabel finds herself, who does not want to go into the rag to deny anything, despite that, according to his relatives, he would have “evidence” to spare to deny any of the accusations against him.

Specifically, those expressed by Laura Boyer in her posthumous interview published by Semana magazine, which have not exactly left her in a good place. People who have witnessed firsthand, who lived his time with Miguel Boyer, until now in silence. Some witnesses who totally refute the accusations of the daughter of the former Minister of Economy and Finance about the guilt of the bad relationship between father and daughter because of Isabel Preysler, having as she had a relationship full of ups and downs with her parents.

An interview that has hurt the socialite a lot, according to her environment, because things would not have been like that, but she also does not feel in the place to respond to her words on the subject of Miguel Boyer’s inheritance or the reason for his no relationship with his little sister, Ana Boyer.

“She is no longer there. I have never spoken ill of her, I am not going to do it now,” she says, words shared by her lawyer for thirty years, Javier Ruiz Paredes: “You cannot refute a person who is no longer there “.

Isabel Preysler’s lawyer reveals some unknown information about the distribution of Miguel Boyer’s inheritance, in which Isabel is -documentally proven- exempt from any malicious gesture or decision. Something that Purificación Pujol, lawyer for the Boyer family at that time, also corroborates.

“Isabel didn’t decide anything because she couldn’t,” he says, “The distribution was done with a regularity that I would even say excessive,” he explains, insisting that there was no room for discussion of how scrupulous the process was.

Not only did both lawyers corroborate that the distribution of the inheritance was done correctly, but Paredes Ruiz insists that Laura Boyer’s bad advice would have made him renounce what was legally his, something of which he was warned. They also clarify that Isabel owns the house in which she lives, or that “the bust” that Laura inherited would actually be a very valuable work of art.

The relationship between Isabel and Laura was very complicated, but also between Miguel Boyer and his daughter. Now, they supported her in everything they could. What’s more, the ex-minister’s daughter was even living with them for a while in the family home. However, Boyer’s illness changed everything, and his slow recovery made his eldest daughter feel that Isabel would not have been up to the task.

A controversy in which the socialite does not intend to enter, as it has not done so far. She, too, will continue to make the Vargas Llosas speak, whom she has banished forever from her life after the Nobel Prize will finally take her belongings from her house in Madrid. “Not only have I turned the page, but I have changed the book,” she says.