Valentine’s Day brought us one of the surprise couples of the year: the one formed by the singer Alfred García and the actress María Hervás. A romance that undoubtedly caught almost everyone off guard, since few could find the point of connection between the interpreter of From Earth to Mars and the protagonist of series like Machos Alfa. However, as confirmed by the Mamarazzis podcast, both would have been caught walking in a more than affectionate attitude and with the odd kiss included.

A romance that, apparently, would have arisen by chance after meeting at a concert and through mutual friends. Well, almost a month has passed since that, and it can now be confirmed that there is nothing to do with a love story. This is denied by María Hervás herself, tired of rumors.

The actress decided to put an end to speculation at the ceremony to celebrate the first edition of the Talía Awards – already nicknamed the ‘Goya for Performing Arts’ – in which she was awarded the Emerging Talent award. An occasion that she took advantage of to finally settle the speculation about her love affair with Alfred García. Of course, with the best of her smiles.

“I laugh, above all, and fundamentally, because it is very funny. It is the first time that this has happened to me, of course, and in addition to something that is not true,” he assured, emphatically, adding that he considered whether to talk about it or not of the situation for many days, for fear that this would give rise to the press to meddle in his personal life.

“So that you understand, to preserve myself for the future, with whomever, whenever, I have decided that I think that the healthiest thing for me, the greatest protection that I can give myself is not to comment on anything,” he settled, adding that he did not think comment nothing more about his private life from now on.

The actress thus denies her relationship with the singer, with whom she would have met on some outings with her friends, but nothing more. The two would have been presented at the concert of Los niños Jesús, the music band of the journalist Jordi Évole, at their concert in the Sala Apolo in Barcelona on November 13, where their friendship would have begun.

Both artists hit it off, and together with more friends they attended the concert by the artist Boye, at the Sala Apolo. Hervás also invited Alfred to see the play she was starring in, Yerma, by Federico García Lorca at the Teatre Lliure. The last time they could be seen together was on New Year’s Eve, with both displaced to the Canary Islands with several friends to say goodbye to 2022.