A couple of days ago, the former Survivors contestant, activist for trans rights and influencer Daniela Requena underwent surgery to change the color of her eyes. Requena, who had beautiful dark eyes, wanted to change her face and now boasts on social networks of a more “pure” and clear blue look.

After the publication and announcement of the procedure, social networks exploded against it, since, according to an Optics student, it is a very complicated surgery that depigments the iris and can have serious consequences, such as damage to the optic nerve, retinal detachment or blindness. The young tiktoker technically explained the process and warned of the danger of normalizing these practices. She also assured that it is a prohibited surgery in many countries.

After the outbreak of criticism of the influencer, she has come out to defend herself through her Instagram stories, where she has explained that the surgery has a risk just like a breast augmentation or a dental extraction, but that it has been reported ” very well” and that she trusts the team that has operated on her: ”Today I am very happy”.

He has also explained that although he knew he would attract attention, he did not expect so much hatred and confusion: “Suddenly ophthalmologists have appeared everywhere. They have mixed the pears with the apples saying that I have done it because of gender dysphoria. She has also confessed that it has hurt her a lot to see comments like “she deserves to go blind” or “to prepare the cane”.

As for whether or not he should have shared the information on social networks, Requena is clear: ”I have spent many years sharing everything that happens in my life. I share what I do, if I appear with blue eyes it is logical that I share it”. In addition, she has said that she does not encourage anyone to do it, she only shares that she is very happy with her operation.

She wanted to make it clear that, apart from all the people who have thrown hate at her these days, there are also many others who are curious about the new intervention, so she is going to continue explaining the entire process and even recorded the operation and is going to try to show it

Daniela has shared a reflection that a boy wrote to her on Twitter: “In the long term this surgery will be as common as a breast augmentation is today, being the first will always bring criticism.”

Lastly, she commented with amusement that she did not have surgery in “the back room of the Mari Pili Hairdresser’s”, but in a legal clinic with a team of experts and professionals who are taking excellent care of her health.