Isabel Preysler has once again come out of her quiet retreat in her Puerta del Hierro mansion to celebrate the eve of International Women’s Day with a meeting on female leadership offered by Elle. In one of the first public appearances of the queen of hearts since her break with Mario Vargas Llosa became known, the socialite has posed in front of the spotlight.

After the flashes, Preysler did not answer questions, but during his departure he offered his best smile and responded emphatically to only one of the questions that were raised. “Have you turned the page?” The assembled press has asked him. To which she has responded bluntly: “Yes, absolutely.”

Despite the many controversies that have surrounded her name in recent weeks, she has decided to stay away for now. To the rupture of the Nobel for literature we must add the posthumous interview in which Laura Boyer, daughter of her third husband, defined her as the bad stepmother of the story. “Isabel was in charge of taking her (Ana Boyer) away from us and that she was not fond of us,” Laura Boyer, who died a few days ago after a long illness, told Semana.

At another time during the appointment, Isabel once again passed the reporters, who at that time asked her about how she was facing her new stage as a single woman. To that question, Isabel has limited herself to answering with a “very good, thank you”. For the occasion, Isabel has chosen an elegant burgundy silk design with a natural print in intense turquoise.

Other celebrities such as Nieves Álvarez, Nerea Garmendia, Lidia Torrent, Carola Baleztena, Inma Cuesta, Vicky Martín Berrocal, María de León, Pilar Alegría and Loreto Sesma have also attended the meeting. Another major event on the family’s agenda is July 8, the day her daughter Tamara, the last single in the Preysler family, will go down the aisle with Íñigo Onieva.