The witch figure that Shakira placed on her balcony last Halloween pointing to the house of her ex-husband Gerard Piqué’s parents has mysteriously disappeared again after being temporarily removed due to bad weather in Barcelona in January. The figure has been interpreted by some as a kind of amulet to protect themselves from the “bad vibrations” of her famous neighbors, while others have seen it as a provocation towards Piqué’s parents.

Neither the singer nor her closest circle have yet ruled on the disappearance of one of the symbols of the break between Shakira and Piqué. For this reason, it is still not known why the witch is no longer on the balcony and has led to speculation on social networks about whether Shakira has decided to stop provoking Piqué’s parents or has just gotten tired of seeing the witch on the balcony.

Shakira’s witch, the enigmatic figure who has sparked much curiosity and speculation in recent months since her appearance on the balcony of the singer’s home on Halloween last year, has once again disappeared. The figure, which had been placed by Shakira pointing towards the house of the parents of her ex-husband, the soccer player Gerard Piqué, was already temporarily removed last January due to bad weather in Barcelona, ​​although a week later the witch returned to her balcony.

The figure of the witch, with her black cape, her few white hairs, her terrifying face and her bony fingers, has been one of the great topics of conversation among the followers of Shakira and Piqué. Some people have interpreted the witch as a kind of amulet to protect themselves from the “bad vibrations” of her neighbors, that is, Joan Piqué and Montserrat Bernabeu, the ex-sportsman’s parents. Other followers, however, have expressed their opinion on social networks that it was directly a provocation towards the parents of the former soccer player.

The fact that the witch has disappeared again has led some to wonder if Shakira has finally decided to bury the hatchet with Piqué’s parents, or if she has simply grown tired of the figure after turning it into a symbol of their supposed war. Against them.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the figure was simply removed for repair or replacement. Or perhaps, as some have speculated, the witch has been taken to Miami, where Shakira plans to move in the coming weeks once she settles her personal issues in Barcelona.

Whatever the reason and the future of the figure, the truth is that the disappearance of Shakira’s witch has once again put her in the eye of the hurricane and has aroused the curiosity of many. Will the figure return to her place on the singer’s balcony, or will this be the last time she is seen until October 31? Time will tell.