The Ídolo Awards have held their second edition at the Gran Teatro Príncipe Pío in Madrid. These awards have become the most important event of the year for digital content creators thanks to Aida Domenech (Dulceida) and The Music Republic, founders of this project.

The awards have had four nominations for each of these 20 categories: Digital Creator, Freestyle, Fashion, Streamer, Lifestyle, Art, Video Clip of the Year, Esports, Healthy, Youtubers, Social Awareness, Visual Project, Podcast, TikToker, Beauty, Gastronomy, Music Artist, Humor, Travel and New Talents.

The first prize that has been awarded has been a new category: Idol Award for the Music category. The winner has been Dani Fernández, the artist has been happy and surprised in equal parts: “I have not prepared anything because I did not expect it to be carried by the people with whom I was competing. I really liked that for the first time the ‘Music’ category was included and I think my colleagues deserved it more than me”, assured Dani Fernández.

Cristinini has been awarded in the Streamer category, “It’s having a hard time even speaking. Thank you very much for making it possible. I was with three giants”, the streamer commented through tears. On the other hand, ‘La Pija y la Quinqui’ have been Awarded for Best Podcast.

Madame de Rosa has been awarded in the Fashion category and her speech has generated controversy on social networks. On the other hand, Marta Díaz has won the Ídolo in the lifestyle category: “I consider that I am my worst hater, and when he said my name I did not believe it. I was very excited”, Marta Díaz assured.

Lola Lolita has won the Idol Award for best tiktokter for the second year in a row: “I thought I wasn’t going to win, but I deserve it. Thank you all and let those on Twitch get ready because I’m going to start there,” said the young woman between laughs.”When I won it last year I didn’t expect to repeat it”, he added.

Gontzon Izhan has been awarded in the Travel category: “This is going to be energy to continue creating better content. Congratulations to the rest of the colleagues with whom I have shared a nomination,” he commented visibly happy. On the other hand, the Audiovisual Project Idol Award has It has been for Rainbow and Paco León has been in charge of picking it up with his characteristic humor: “I have not prepared anything. I don’t even know what to say.”

There has also been room for gastronomy at the Ídolo Awards. María Lo, has been the winner of the category: “A thousand thanks to those who have trusted me, mainly my mother and my girl. Also, remembering my father who left this year and who was the one who instilled in me the gastronomy. He will be thinking “what my girl is getting…”.

Henar Álvarez has become the winner of the Ídolo Conciencia Social and Marta Sierra, winner of Creative Content: “The most important thing of all is our followers and mine give me love and all the support to continue”, the young woman assured.

The Idol to Humor has been taken by Eva Soriano: “How nice to win, isn’t it? It’s strong. I’ve been telling Lalachus all week that she was going to win and I told her that if I won, we would make a Beyoncé meme ”, has commented with a laugh. On the other hand, Luc Loren has collected his Stay True award: “I want to thank my people because they tell me the truth, even if it hurts. And that’s what keeps me growing and being where I am.”

The winner in Digital Entrepreneurship has been Jessica Goicoechea: ”Entrepreneurship in this country is not easy. The most important thing is that Goi would not be Goi without my team, so I dedicate this award to them”, the model assured. On the other hand, Charlie Pee, has been the winner of the Revelation category.

Finally, Laura Escanes has taken the Idol to the Digital Creator of the Year, one of the most important of the night: “It has been a difficult year, but I am happy because I have felt the support of my followers and I want to thank the brands that make it possible for me to be here today. My daughter also comes to mind and I want to tell her that all this is for her”, the Influencer has assured.

The last prize of the night has been for Nil Ojeda. The young man has won the 2023 Idol of the Year Award, another of the important awards of the night: “I want to dedicate it to you, grandmother. I hope you have been able to configure Twitch well. Be yourselves and be happy.”