Antonio Montero is one of the most famous gossip journalists in the country. So much so that the long decades of his career have led him to be a collaborator of innumerable television formats on different television networks. The last to become aware of him has been TVE.

Specifically, Plan de tarde, the format that Toñi Moreno presents on La 1 weekend afternoons, has been the space that Montero has joined as a collaborator. A union that has taken place since the first day but that had not been represented on the screen until this past Sunday.

So much so that Toñi Moreno herself introduced him and welcomed him to her format after a few days before Sálvame did the same after the journalist’s last break on television. A duality that can be seen from now on on screen with one of the most famous faces in the pink universe.

The curious thing at this point is that precisely his wife, Marisa Martín-Blázquez, also collaborates on weekends with Fiesta, the space that Emma García presents in the afternoons on Telecinco and that Unicorn Content sponsors.

Will there be a rivalry between the two now that both will be on the grid at the same time and will be competitors for audience numbers? The truth is that this couple, who have always led their private lives in silence for the media megaphone, have seen how in recent times they have opened their secrecy to give more than one headline about their life.

Without going any further, the set of Nightmare in Paradise was the key space. And it is that Montero’s participation in the Telecinco reality show encouraged the paparazzi to narrate some of the most intimate aspects of his married life.

An example, that this couple of college classmates arrived virgins at marriage. Now, four decades later, this couple adds two children together and a long professional career that has consolidated them on the small screen.