Not even a year has passed since Survivors 2022 saw this love story born and one of its protagonists has already decided to put an end to it. In this case, it was Yulen Pereira who broke up with Anabel Pantoja after the Sálvame collaborator traveled to America to accompany her aunt Isabel Pantoja on her musical tour.

Since the news broke last weekend, the different Mediaset programs have commented on the news and, this Monday, one of the Andalusian’s friends harshly reproached the fencer. Belén Esteban not only did not come out in defense of her friend Anabel Pantoja, but also sent a message to the former Survivors contestant.

During the Sálvame debate on the break between Anabel Pantoja and Yulen Pereira, the collaborators of the program have given their point of view on the matter. One of them has been Belén Esteban, a great friend of the singer’s niece, who has spoken little about it, but enough to leave Yulen Pereira at the feet of the horses.

“I know everything that happens, but of course I am not going to betray my friend,” began the one from Paracuellos, who refused to reveal the conversation she had with Anabel after breaking the news of her breakup. However, after asking what her camera was, Belén released some of the most forceful words.

“The only thing I am going to say is what a pity, that when a person gives so much for love, they are not valued or they think about other things,” he assured. “I’m not going to talk about anything I’ve talked about with Anabel, I know everything,” she stressed. “But as her friend I am not going to betray her,” he insisted, “I know what he has told her. And in life, sometimes, it is better to be alone than in bad company.

Certainly, Belén also explained that she always opted for the love story of Anabel and Yulen and, although the fencer always treated her friend “phenomenal”, when she learned the details of the breakup, she was clear about what she should advise her. “I have told her to look out for her,” he said.

And, then, the reproach came to Yulen Pereira: “How nice to bet on love and take risks!” Here, Belén remembered that Anabel had gone on a trip to America with her aunt Isabel Pantoja, but that she had been “working” and “not partying.” “How nice that, with all due respect to Yulen, you give everything in a relationship and when you arrive you find things that you don’t like,” she said from Paracuellos.

In addition, before the affirmations of Rafa Mora that Anabel Pantoja has always been selfish in matters of love, Belén Esteban jumped again to defend her friend. “Do you know what’s up? That sometimes you get tired of shooting so much… ”, she snapped. “And you know what? That in life one is born to be happy”, settled the collaborator.