Two years ago the European Union (the EU) revealed the launch of a common digital wallet in all EU member countries. The European Digital Identity Wallet, as this project is called, aims to unify through the same application any digital procedure and, in turn, these procedures can be managed safely. Thus, it can be carried from the National Identity Document (DNI), the driver’s license or pay fines, public bills or taxes through the same platform and any territory of the EU.

Úrsula von der Leyen herself, President of the European Commission, in a speech in 2020 explained that the birth of the digital wallet is due to the need for European citizens to be able to manage public or private procedures from any EU country in secure way: “the Commission will propose a secure European electronic identity. One that we trust and that any citizen can use anywhere in Europe to do anything from paying their taxes to renting a bike,” she said.

It is expected that by 2024 it will already be available throughout the EU territory. However, currently some member countries already have it available in a kind of ‘pilot test’. Germany, Latvia or Norway are some of the territories chosen to benefit from the digital wallet right away.

As disseminated on the official website of the European Commission, the digital wallet is intended to develop a technology through which we ourselves can manage our data and carry out any procedure within the EU.