In October of last year, the sale of a first-generation iPhone for $39,000 was made public and just four months later, the auction house LCG Auctions has bid an iPhone 1 for the exorbitant figure of $63,000. The Apple terminal was never taken out of the box and has the original seal.

The auction house began bidding on February 2, starting from a base price of $2,500. This Sunday, February 19, just over two weeks after the start of the bidding, the auction ended for a value of $63,000, around 59,100 euros.

A total of 27 offers were received that triggered the price of the first generation iPhone to the figure at which it was sold. The organizers of the bid were surprised by the offer, since they expected a final price of between twenty and forty thousand dollars.

The auctioned model is an original first-generation iPhone, with a 2MP camera and 8GB of internal memory, launched in 2007. As can be seen in the auction house images, the device is completely new and without taking it out of its box.

Regarding the owner who kept this first-generation iPhone intact for so many years and without taking it out of its box, Business Insider explains that the device belongs to Karen Green, a tattoo artist from New Jersey who was given the terminal as a gift in 2007.

Green was unable to use the device as it only worked on the AT network

LCG Auctions specializes in bidding on collectibles from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. However, from time to time it auctions off Apple technology products; it was here that the other first-generation iPhone was auctioned for $39,000 last October.