Controversy on Twitter once again and this time it splashes the world of cycling. The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) regularly publishes tweets where it reminds the Spanish population of traffic regulations and this morning they made one of these publications. Normally they choose situations that produce ambiguity to clear up doubts, but it seems that this time they have made a mistake by disseminating their own regulations.

The tweet refers to the use of headphones being prohibited while riding the bike. Up to that point everything is correct, the problem comes when the penalties involved in using them are indicated: 200 euros… And 3 points on the driver’s license.

Although the economic fine is contemplated, how is it possible to remove points from a cyclist’s driving license? Should everyone who rides a bicycle have a driver’s license? The answer is no.

There is no type of obligation on the part of the cyclist to have a license to circulate and in article 65.3 of the Traffic Law it is specified that “the loss of points will only occur when the fact from which the deduction of points is derived is occurs when driving a vehicle for which a permit or driving license is required.

Using this article, it is not possible to lose points if you commit an offense on a bicycle, whether or not you have a driver’s license. However, remember that listening to music with headphones is still prohibited while cycling and, in addition to a fine of 200 euros, you will be endangering your integrity and that of those around you. Drive safe.