The national coordinator of Citizens, Carlos Pérez-Nievas, and the trustee of Cs in Les Corts, Mamen Peris, have threatened this Wednesday to break the pact of the Government of the Provincial Council of Alicante with the PP in the event that the president of the provincial entity , Carlos Mazón, do not cease the powers of Javier Gutiérrez, who has left Ciudadanos this week, before next Monday the 20th.

After meeting both with the vice president of the Alicante Provincial Council, Julia Parra -the only remaining representative of the orange formation in the institution, key to maintaining the majority and the presidency of Mazón- Pérez-Nievas and Peris have given margin until the Monday for Mazón to cease his powers in Infrastructure and Assistance to Municipalities to the provincial deputy, who also “unilaterally” broke the pact that Cs had with the PSOE in Xixona and for which a file had been opened.

Pérez-Nievas has affirmed in statements to journalists that Gutiérrez left the party “five minutes before the fruit of his conduct was blamed on him” and has stressed that “the only one who has the powers” to dismiss Gutiérrez from his responsibilities in the Diputación is the president, Carlos Mazón.

“If he continues to hold those powers, because Mazón has not fired him, on Monday we will announce that we have broken the governance pact that we have and we have informed Parra that he has to assume that reality. She has been made aware of it and we will see what his position is “, Pérez-Nievas has pointed out about the situation of Parra, who has not appeared with Peris and Pérez-Nievas before the media.

Thus, the national coordinator has highlighted that Ciudadanos will be “better if these people who carry out these attitudes disappear from this party” since the orange formation will present itself “cleaner”.

“We are not going to stop making decisions because we no longer have responsibilities,” insisted Pérez-Nievas, who has maintained that Parra has not confirmed his position and they have not “asked him to confirm it” either, since what they wanted was “that was clear about the position of the party”, which he will have to “abide by and assume”.

He has harshly criticized Mazón, assuring that “whoever wants to govern with defectors is defining himself before Valencian society”, while criticizing that “it is hard for him to think that whoever wants to preside over the Generalitat can accept governing with defectors”.

Likewise, he has highlighted that the provincial president was not in the Provincial Council and that if he had been in Alicante, this decision of Ciudadanos would have been “transferred to him in person”, for which reason they have left it in writing, and has stressed that if Mazón removes Gutiérrez from his duties, “the pact would continue because we -in reference to Ciudadanos- respect the pacts until the end”.

Regarding Parra’s situation within the party, he stated that “today, at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, he is a member of Ciudadanos” and stressed that he will not make “any other speculation until there is another movement”, as well as that Parra “has not said that he is leaving” the party, so he “continues to be a member regardless of the consequences.”

He has also remarked that if Cs had a voting intention of 15 or 20%, “Gutiérrez would be in Cs”, which “marks the level of demand that some affiliates with a political party have”, since “they have more personal ambitions than others of transformation”.

For his part, Peris has wondered “if Mazón wants to continue governing with defectors and reliving the time of Zaplana’s government by getting the mayor’s office of Benidorm.” Thus, he has criticized that Mazón is going to “end up ruling with defectors”, because “the pact in the Provincial Council was not made with Javier Gutiérrez, but that the PP and Cs did, and Cs has given him a red line, the defectors” .

“The ball is in Mazón’s court”, since if Gutiérrez is dismissed, the position would go to the substitute “and there would be no problem”, Peris said before concluding that Ciudadanos “is a political party, not a placement agency “.

Asked about it, Carlos Mazón has affirmed that he does not know “any defector” in the provincial Corporation, but that what he knows is a government pact between PP and Citizens that “is stable” and that it will “continue to be”. because the people of Alicante “deserve” it.

The also president of the PP of the Valencian Community has affirmed that the government pact between PP and Cs in the Alicante Provincial Council “is going very well”, since taxes are being lowered, consumer bonds are enabled “when others do not “and the self-employed are being helped.

Likewise, Mazón has claimed that the Alicante Provincial Council is helping vulnerable families, “much more than other entities such as the Generalitat Valenciana, with a much larger budget”, and “the most important investment in the entire history of Provincial Council” in small municipalities, and that this is what they know.