It seems that things are getting worse between Albert Rivera and the singer Malú. Rumors of a crisis between the former leader of Ciudadanos and the artist have been ringing strong for some time, and one last detail on their social networks does not help to silence the mouths of those who say that their relationship has broken.

Malú, who turned 41 this Wednesday, has stopped following Albert Rivera on Instagram, a detail that confirms what we all already imagined: the singer and the politician have decided to separate their paths after starring in a well-known love story in the year 2019.

It should be noted that lately the couple carried out few plans together. Last February Malú enjoyed the Carnival of Cádiz with her friends, but there was no sign of Albert Rivera. For his part, the politician attended the Carlos Torres concert very seriously, crestfallen and with a certain air of concern, which further increases suspicions of a breakup.

In addition, the silence of both on a day like today, in which Malú celebrates his 41st birthday, is especially striking. Last year both were seen in public celebrating such a special day. However, this year we have not heard from the couple.

On the other hand, let’s not forget that a few months ago Malú took stock of the year 2022 on his social networks without mentioning Albert Rivera. A fact that alerted many of the couple’s faithful followers.

“I have a healthy and happy daughter, the opportunity to express myself with my music for everyone who wants to listen to me, friends who love me and who I love, and an incredible family that I best sum up by calling a tribe,” the artist posted on Instagram. .