The Barcelona federation of the PSC and United for Progress have reissued the agreement whereby the current deputy mayor of Seguridad, Albert Batlle, will join the list of the socialist candidate, Jaume Collboni, for the municipal elections on May 28 in Barcelona. If Collboni acceded to the mayor’s office, Batlle would remain in charge of the Security area and would also assume the direction of the Ciutat Vella district.
The agreement was signed in a ceremony held at the Vil la Florida civic center with the participation of the first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa, and the general secretary of Units per Avançar, Ramon Espadaler.
Collboni highlighted “the centrality of the PSC and the plurality of a list in which, in addition to Laia Bonet and Albert Batlle himself, vice-president of United for Avançar, the presence of the current delegate of the Government in Catalonia and former dean has already been confirmed from the Illustrious Bar Association of Barcelona, ??Maria Eugènia Gay, and from the ex-deputy in Parliament and neighborhood activist, Lluís Rabell.
Albert Batlle has pointed out that “four years ago we agreed on joint work between the PSC and Units per Avançar, today we are the leading political force in Catalonia, and soon we will be in Barcelona”. “Can you imagine what a city council presided over by the mayor Jaume Collboni to represent the whole of Barcelona, ??outside the partisan struggle?, it has been asked. “Barcelona – he has assured him – would take a leap forward. PSC-Units is a sum that multiplies”.