The Catalan Water Agency (ACA), in coordination with the Diputación de Barcelona, ??has restricted access to the Sau reservoir, which is currently in the emptying phase.

The objective of the measure, which will be effective for three weeks and which has been agreed with the Vilanova de Sau City Council, is to avoid traffic collapses that could affect the population of the area.

Since the church of Sant Romà has been visible in the reservoir for months, every day many curious people come to the reservoir to witness the consequences of the drought, which has exposed part of the ruins of the old town.

This week, in addition, they had another incentive: to see the two fishing boats that have been commissioned to remove the fish from the swamp to prevent their death from contaminating the little water that remains.

But beyond avoiding traffic collapses, the restriction also wants to avoid dangerous situations in the reservoir. Less than a hundred meters from the sheet of water, which is currently below 10% capacity, mud accumulates that can cause people to get trapped in it.

“These are very dense and dangerous sludges, since people or animals can get trapped in them,” the ACA said in a statement.

To warn of the restrictions, various signs have been placed at various access points to the reservoir. One is visible on the road that leads to the reservoir, at the BV-5215 roundabout, in Folgueroles; and another in the car park before reaching the Sau dam.

Work began this week to reduce the density of fish in this reservoir with the aim of preserving water quality. On the first day of the operation, very few fish were caught, far from the two tons set by the Department of Climate Action and the ACA on Monday, when the special operation was launched.

The ACA explains that at certain times of the day the passage of vehicles on the road that crowns the dam may be interrupted. The impact on traffic does not affect the residents, the dam staff and workers, nor the identified media, which will be able to access the area.