It may seem arrogant to address you publicly. I assume the risk, while acknowledging that I have no title to it, except for having voted for the Socialist Party from the end of the UCD until today. I am not writing to formulate a global critique of his management, which I have already publicly praised as meritorious in various areas, and even less to question the legitimacy of his government and its parliamentary support, which is evident.

If I do, it is because I cannot bear the spectacle of an institutional degradation that has intensified in recent times to an unbearable extreme, which makes a fool of not only some of its protagonists, but also the State itself. Because, what State is this, in whose institutions verbal aggression has replaced rational dialogue, the Cainite confrontation to the necessary collaboration, and sarcasm and derision to irony and humor? They are institutions where neither intelligence nor moderation predominate.

It will be said, rightly, that the Popular Party bears the same responsibility in this misery as the Socialist Party. But this does not exempt you, Mr. President, from the greatest guilt, for being the one with the most power, since fate has placed you in the position you legitimately occupy.

And it is by appealing to this high dignity that I ask you: why do you maintain a government coalition that is a source of continuous conflicts and errors and that, in fact, is no longer such, if it ever was? Why does everything trust the parliamentary support of some deputies who, openly or not, are committed to the destruction of the system, either to replace it with another, or to separate their communities from Spain?

I ask you this because a few days ago, in the middle of a conversation with an old journalist friend, I told him that President Sánchez is a man of courage, to which he replied: “Yes, he is a man of courage, but he has no pride”. “Why do you say that?” I asked him. “He has no pride – he replied – because he is willing to swallow anything in order to remain in power not only now, but also after the next elections, after which he could only continue in office with the same support” .

It may be true: appearances confirm it. But, if so, I fail to understand the concern that you, Mr. President, have shown about how it will go down in history. And indeed, it may happen, as he said, for having ordered the exhumation and transfer of the body of General Franco. But this will give very little of itself: not much more than a footnote. His ambition is surely to go down in history for a work that accredits him as a statesman. And this would require, in my opinion, ending right now an unsustainable coalition that erodes institutions, debases politics and generates a general sense of uncertainty.

I think he could hold out alone until the end of the legislature, judiciously carrying out the semi-annual presidency of the European Union. I do not think that the PP committed the indecency of betting on making it difficult or preventing it, showing itself incapable of repeating the help that Pujol gave González on a similar occasion.

Term. And I do it longing for the Socialist Party that Javier Fernández drew in his speech as president of the management company, on February 14, 2017. I long for a party that acts responsibly, whether it is in power or in opposition; willing to reach possible agreements without giving up one’s own essential positions, and knowing how to distinguish between what is a reasonable agreement and an unworthy pact. A party that is a moderate political force, whose moderation is shown in setting the scope of its political action: reduction of inequality and defense of what is public, as well as in not making an enemy out of the adversary, because if it makes an enemy of the adversary enemy, dialogue is renounced; and if dialogue is renounced, Parliament is renounced; and if you resign from Parliament, you resign from politics. Politics is done there.

This Socialist Party is necessary. It is essential.