Robot dogs are one of the star technologies when it comes to combating the loneliness of adults in the United States. This market has increased remarkably in recent years and many users of the world’s leading power appreciate the company of these devices because they feel better with them. Thus, mechanical animals such as Jennie, designed by the company Tombot Inc. are the most popular.

This dog is shaped like a yellow Labrador retriever puppy. To make it look like a lap dog and also to behave like one, the company’s engineers collaborated with technicians from Creature Shop, a special effects firm founded in distant 1979 by puppeteer Jim Henson, creator of The Muppets.

Thanks to the cooperation of these experts, Jennie has little to do with a toy, for example, because her puppy dog ​​eyes are made very believable by the movement of her eyebrows. In an environment like the North American, in which the perception of abandonment among the elderly is increasing, solutions like these are convenient, according to analysts.

Not surprisingly, the United States is the country with the highest percentage of seniors living alone, according to data from the Pew Research Center. Social isolation has been linked to a remarkable variety of health problems, including depression and dementia, as recalled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Virtual reality, artificial intelligence and the so-called robotic pets are three of the measures that are being applied more frequently.

These systems of the fifth industrial revolution are not perfect alternatives for human interaction, emphasize doctors and care managers for vulnerable groups. However, they do their job. Organizations like Rendever, focused on virtual reality, have been providing their services to the elderly since 2016, with activities that incorporate elements that are apparently far from the daily life of the elderly, such as helmets.

Thus, these sailors can meet avatars of their loved ones: to tour Paris, play chess, walk in the countryside or rest on the porch of their house. Desktop equipment like the small ElliQ, the work of Intuition Robotics, surpasses the ability to chat with assistants like Alexa, as it allows you to discuss nutrition, exercise, meditation or music.