Agility Robotics has introduced a new version of its bipedal warehouse robot. This model, known as Digits, is designed to perform tasks that are repetitive or have a significant risk of injury. This updated version incorporates a head with LED-animated eyes and hands, making it capable of handling a greater variety of demanding workloads than its predecessor.

According to the company, the new Digits robot can “reach higher, carry more weight, last longer and charge faster” better than the previous model. In addition, he manipulates his environment better, has sharper perception, and is better at human-robot interactions.

The machine is 1.70 meters tall and weighs about 60 kilos, and includes “end effectors” in the form of hands that help it to be able to reach objects located in high or low spaces, in addition to allowing it to pick up or place containers of plastic or other objects that are usually found in transport warehouses.

“Work in warehouses includes many repetitive automated tasks that all too often cause injuries and high turnover of staff that hinder supply chains,” the company explains in the press release with which it has presented the new model.

Agility Robotics will perform live demonstrations of its Digits models at the ProMat conference in Chicago this week. Although the price has not yet been announced, the first units of Digits are expected to ship to their buyers in early 2024.

The idea conveyed by the company is that a humanoid robot can better replicate many of the tasks traditionally assigned to humans until now.

While automation may free human workers from the toughest and most dangerous activities, it is also likely to eliminate human jobs altogether in the future.

Also, this upgrade to work robots comes as the world’s largest companies have been laying off thousands of employees.