The Minister of the Interior, Joan Ignasi Elena, appeared yesterday at the end of the Government meeting to detail what in his opinion are the most important aspects of the new restructuring decree of the Mossos d’Esquadra. An organizational chart that establishes the creation of new police stations, divisions and units and for which 109 commands will be needed as La Vanguardia advanced.

For this reason, the head of Interior warned that the standard is the picture that we want to reach over time, and that the implementation of the new structure will be carried out in accordance with the growth of the workforce, until reaching the 22,000 police officers agreed with the central government.

Some of the changes that will be immediate, he said, will be the creation of the new General Commissioner of Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) which will not carry out any investigation, and which will be in charge of providing technological support to the rest of police stations The creation of the tenth region of the Mossos, the Virtual, will also be imminent, which will have network patrols and an investigation unit that will be in charge of minor crimes, such as virtual scams, which the new Area cannot undertake Central Cybercrime, which will be within the General Police of Criminal Investigation. The new Citizen’s Security police station will also be operational immediately.

The councilor assured that the new structuring decree had awakened “enthusiasm” among the Mossos d’Esquadra. “I know because there are many people who have been working on a project that defines a horizon for more than a year.” And he picked up the gauntlet from six of the eight unions that on Tuesday planted him in the Extraordinary Council of the Police, who accused him of a lack of dialogue. “If it’s to talk about it more, we will.” He also relativized the “coldness” with which the command of the Catalan police welcomed the presentation of the decree on Tuesday afternoon. “We are a police organization that does not applaud when the working day ends, nor do we shout cheers to the cops. We are more serious than all that.”

And he denied that the transfer of the wiretapping system from the general police station for Criminal Investigation to the new one for Information and Communication Technologies would shield judicial investigations. “Only an interpretation based on bad faith can reach this conclusion”, he said. The councilor justified the transfer on technical grounds, and warned that the National Police has the same model. A fact that in his opinion “will certainly reassure those who showed concern”.

In addition to the new central area of ??Cybercrime and Corruption, one of Sexual Violence will be created to house UCAS, the central unit against sexual assaults, which for the time being will continue to be located in the dependencies that the Mossos have in the courts