In the light of Ramón Tamames and Vox’s joke, any reporter could write that, at least in the Congress of Deputies, the sovereignty process is still more alive than ever. The speech of the old professor had one of the main refrains in the matter of Catalonia, with such fervor that he went so far as to ask that the parties that in Madrid are called peripheral parties stop enjoying parliamentary “overrepresentation”, something false as it suits him remember in time

In the same vein, the veteran leader inflated by the ultras also brought up the matter of Spanish in the Catalan school, to seek air in one of the great falornies of our time, which – by the way – had spread the popular Casado in a miserable way (he said that Spanish-speaking children are not allowed to go to the toilet and are loaded with stones on their backs) and which he did not retract when he was able to do so in front of the judge.

Tamames was clear that biting the Catalan doll is always free, much more than burdening social policies, feminist laws or foreign policy. The process ended, but not the strategy to reach Moncloa, always showing the “Catalan” fear.

Since the sperpent has been of such caliber and has devoured its promoters, it seems that nothing Tamames has said matters. But the empanada that softened in the Lower House reveals some constants of a collective imagination (prejudices, rumours, phobias and myths) that transcends the magma of the ultra-right and is shared by the PP and some sectors of the PSOE.

In this imaginary, where black and red merge, the Catalan problem is always the elephant in the middle of the room, even if a server prefers to call it “the thing”. Sometimes, the thing includes the Basques, but it is the airs that come from Barcelona that set off all the alarms in the Madrid gatherings where the Tamames live.

Although the man who was leader of the PCE is today a photocopy of a photocopy, perhaps that PSUC that stood up to Santiago Carrillo to defend a national idea of ??Catalonia that was decisive to avoid, at the same time, weighs heavily on his memory , neo-Lerrouxism and the division between new and old Catalans. The PSUC collected and updated the tradition of popular Catalanism and spread it during the sixties and seventies, fortunately.

While the theater of the absurd reigned in the Carrera de San Jerónimo and Sánchez’s partners forgot their differences with the president, the MEPs of the commission of inquiry into the use of the Pegasus program arrived in Madrid and were scorned by the same ministers who raised the flag of freedom taking advantage of the festival of the ultras. Moncloa doesn’t want to talk about Catalangate, she’s an idiot. The Catalan doll can be tamed in many ways, something ERC has already discovered, as before at CiU.

The current Minister of Defense – a socialist – had a bout of sincerity in April last year when – in response to the deputy Cupaire Mireia Vehí – she said: “What should a State, a Government, do when someone does it violate the Constitution, when someone declares independence, blocks public roads, when there is public disorder, when someone is having relations with political leaders of a country that is invading Ukraine?”. Tamames could not have expressed it more clearly. What does the truth and the rule of law matter if it is about Catalans?

There are shared imaginaries that the motion of censure blurs, but does not erase. Against Vox and the Tamames photocopy we live better.