* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

An image like this one in Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia, with the soft and warm light of the first light of the sun, could be beautiful, but it is a sad reality: a new house emerges from the Sau reservoir emptier every day.

The cormorants have found a new place to stop, dry their plumage or try to fish in the dwindling water level of the swamp.

The cormorant’s feathers are not waterproof, so we often see them with their wings outstretched, basking in the sun to dry.

With the drought, new ruins of the old town of Sant Romà emerge, which the birds take advantage of to perch and dry in the sun. If it doesn’t rain, the reservoir will remain like the River Ter, more than a swamp.

With the lack of water, this beautiful place of Les Guilleries, in Vilanova de Sau, in the region of Osona, has changed.