A fifteen-year-old girl gave birth last Sunday in the bathrooms of the Pola de Siero commuter station, in Asturias. The girl went into labor around 2:30 p.m. and an ambulance, the doctor on duty who was in Pola de Siero at that time, and also several agents from the council’s Local Police had to be mobilized.

According to sources consulted by the media La Nueva EspaƱa, when the doctor arrived at the station, the birth had already occurred and he only had to cut the newborn girl’s umbilical cord.

Both the mother and daughter were rushed to the Central University Hospital of Asturias in Oviedo and are in good condition.

At that time, after two in the afternoon on a Sunday, there were hardly any people at the Pola station, but the event surprised the few who were there. Apparently the fifteen-year-old girl was accompanied at all times by her sister.

The two had gotten off a train when the young pregnant woman began to feel unwell and went to the public bathroom, where her water broke and she went into labor unexpectedly.

It was her sister who took care of assisting her. Furthermore, according to the testimonies collected, the station chief went to the toilets when he heard some unusual noises and his first impression was that he could have committed a crime when he saw the floor pooled with blood.

Upon entering the bathroom and verifying that it was a birth, he immediately reported this to the corresponding railway control center. That’s when the entire medical device was activated. When the health personnel arrived at the bathrooms, the baby girl had already been born.

The women’s bathroom where the girl was born, the scene of an unusual birth that ended well for both the teenage mother and her daughter, was temporarily out of service for cleaning.