This morning the inauguration of the improvement works was celebrated, which, in addition to the viewpoint, have also allowed the upper promenade to be linked with the lower level of the port facilities with a ramp. The act, which was attended by the Minister of Territory, Juli Fernàndez, and the mayor of Mataró, David Bote, coincided with the arrival in the city, by sea, of the torch for the Special Olympics Games.

The works on the viewpoint have been carried out by the Consorci del Port, a public consortium made up of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Mataró City Council. The works, awarded to the company Etyser for an amount of €435,679.79, began last November.

A new viewpoint to the west has been created, at the end of the arm of the port, on the upper promenade, which improves direct views of the sea thanks to the design of its structure. The viewpoint has a concentric step in the central part, which allows a certain elevation and serves as a milestone. In addition, the railing is permeable and does not obstruct vision. Until now, the upper path ended suddenly, without reaching the end, where the trellis protects the buttress. The action has made it possible to make a new attraction available to the public to visit the facilities. The ‘Braç del Port’, an ideal space for walking, playing sports and enjoying the sea, receives 387,000 visits every year.

In addition to the viewpoint, the upper promenade has been connected to the lower promenade, located at the level of the docks, taking advantage of the new hammer that was built last year. This connection is enabled for people with reduced mobility by means of a smooth ramp on the inner side of the Port, while on the outer side two sections have been built connected with stairs. The works have also involved the improvement of the upper promenade surface of the breakwater, with the repair of the pavement and structural joints. Lastly, in the commercial area the railing has been reinforced, implanting a handrail, and rainwater collection has been improved.

The inauguration ceremony was presided over by the Minister of Territory, Juli Fernàndez, and the mayor of Mataró, David Bote. It coincided with the arrival by sea, accompanied by the Mataró Sailing Club, of the first athletes and the torch of the Special Olympics Games, which started the relay that later carried the flame through the streets of the Center to the Plaza del City hall. A performance by the La Clave Dance School and a flyboard exhibition in the water have also taken place in the Port, and it has been possible to visit a sample of photographs of dolphins taken on the Mataró coast by Posidonia 2021.