Carlos Navarro, better known as ‘El Yoyas’, a former contestant on the second edition of Big Brother, has been on the run for several months from justice after being convicted of mistreating his ex-wife, Fayna Bethencourt, also a contestant on the Telecinco ‘reality’. Fayna has denounced from the beginning that someone is protecting him, but it seems that his arrest could be imminent, according to information that reached the collaborator Saúl Ortiz. The Fiesta program anticipated it last weekend. Precisely the program now ensures that it could have found the whereabouts of ‘El Yoyas’, where the displaced team has lived a most unpleasant moment.

As the program already pointed out last week, the police siege would be narrowing. That is why a team from space led by Emma García has begun to investigate, so much so that they have found a rather unpleasant situation with the father of ‘Yoyas’. The investigation that the program team has carried out has led journalists to a family home located in the province of Catalonia. They have been on guard duty there for a few days, and a few hours ago, the team ran into an unpleasant situation.

“This morning we see two dogs that we associate with Carlos and a car that does not belong to the father of the family and would apparently belong to ‘Yoyas’,” a source explains to the program. The team then decided to split up to monitor both entrances to the building and they realized that there had been a rise and fall of blinds. “This would give us more clues and corroborate our version that Carlos is in this hidden house,” added the Fiesta reporter.

Precisely, the reporter has assured that the team considered that, when the rest of the family arrived, only one member was missing, Carlos, and he is the one who could be inside the house. A Mossos d’Esquadra patrol has then appeared in the area and has called the house where Carlos could be hiding, but no one has opened the door.

The family has been very nervous to see the team of the program in the street, and has exploded against them. “You leave my family alone, asshole, get out of here!” is heard in the video shared by the program. Carlos’s father was aggressive and threatening against the program team. “As I do my job, you both go forward,” he said in a moment of maximum tension. It is not the first time that the defendant’s entourage has faced the press. Last December, the brother-in-law of ‘Yoyas’ shouted and threatened another Fiesta reporter.

The program spoke with Toni Castejón, union spokesman for the Mossos d’Esquadra, and he explained whether covering up for Carlos would be a crime on the part of the family. “It would not be a crime of concealment because the crime is not classified as serious nor are they involved,” he explained. He also says that the police cannot access private property and regrets the means that the authorities have to act in this type of case.