We can all be victims of a cyber attack the moment we are connected to the internet. Companies are not exempt from this risk either. They are even more exposed, since they have a greater number of connected devices. For this reason, it is essential to take measures such as the installation of good security software, as well as follow some useful tips to minimize this type of incident.

Knowing how vulnerable we are to cyber attacks also serves to raise awareness. In this regard, and through its new report on cybersecurity, the Sortlist company has developed a calculator that allows us to determine how hackable we are based on different cybersecurity criteria, both personal and professional. That is, it is going to examine our behavior to tell us how much we should increase the security of our connected devices.

To test the calculator, we just have to access the study page and click on the blue button on the side. At that moment, a pop-up window will appear and we will only have to click on the boxes corresponding to our case. It is important that we answer with total sincerity: otherwise, the final answer will not meet our needs.

The questions range from describing our password (Is it 12 characters? Is it case sensitive? Is it based on personal information?) to probing habits like delaying updates to our devices, using VPNs, whether you work at home etc.

Once you have answered all the questions, a window will appear with the result. If we have had a bad result, it doesn’t matter: we always have time to increase the cybersecurity of our devices with some simple tips that we leave you here: