There are people who are clear about what they want to study from a young age. However, the truth is that knowing what you want to do for the rest of your life can be a scary decision. Sometimes you realize you like one thing and sometimes those tastes change. One day you feel like a veterinarian and then mathematics is your worst enemy.

If you realize that you have taken the wrong university studies, don’t worry because there are many young people just like you. According to the study on abandonment of undergraduate studies in the Spanish university system, presented by the Ministry of Universities, 13% of students abandon higher education, with 11% of these students under 30 years of age. Besides,

On the other hand, according to the U-Ranking 2019, prepared by the BBVA Foundation and the Valencian Institute of Economic Research (IVIE), 12% of students change careers. Some figures that indicate that it is a common situation and that you are not the only one thinking about making a change.

The factors that influence university dropout are very diverse. This is a significant decision that can be influenced by several causes. Beyond economic or academic reasons, half of university dropouts occur after the first year of their studies, according to the study by the Ministry of Universities and, in many cases, it is due to lack of motivation or interest in studies or academic performance. .

To prevent dropout, measures are proposed such as a good guidance process, support during the first year of the degree and the reduction of public prices for degrees or masters. Furthermore, it is essential to strengthen the prior orientation and preparation of teachers to promote the inclusion and well-being of students.

The Saló de l’Ensenyament is an opportunity for those who have not yet decided what to study or are not satisfied with their decision. There you will find experts who will guide you in your academic choice and obtain information about the different study and career options that you can access.

During the days that the Saló is open you will be able to find representatives of the different universities, Vocational Training centers, artistic language studies and various courses that could be a better option for you. It is a unique opportunity to explore all the options available.

The best thing you can do if you have decided to leave the career you were studying is to reflect on what step you want to take next. Where you have gone wrong and consider other interests or skills, personal goals you have. You can also talk to specialists to get advice and help you see which is the best path for you.

An alternative is to explore other centers or universities where you can train. Perhaps the university you were at does not offer the course that most attracts your attention. There are other training options that you could explore. In Spain, Vocational Training has become an increasingly attractive option for young people. In fact, 1 in 3 young people choose vocational training over university studies. It is a training option that is increasing, both in terms of places and courses offered.

Although it is common to think of university as the first option for higher education, according to data from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, in the 2023-2024 academic year, Vocational Training is one of the most attractive options for young people. In fact, 64% of students who start a course of this type continue their studies at other levels of VET and/or enter university.

Many young people tend to feel that dropping out of college is a failure, when in reality it may be the best decision they have ever made. Others are not clear when leaving non-compulsory education. Nora Font, 28 years old, didn’t know what to study when she took the Selectivity exam. After getting her grade, she took a different path, she did a Higher Degree in Specific Early Childhood Education Technician. There she found what fulfilled her and then she ended up studying a career in the same field and taking a master’s degree.

If you are thinking of continuing studying, but you don’t know where to start, there are courses such as the Higher Course in Community Manager, at the Cerem Global Business School, which may catch your attention if you like the world of networks and influencers.