Qualcomm is one of the key companies in the mobile phone sector. With some of the essential patents of mobile communications standards, this year it has returned to the Mobile World Congress in an already standardized edition. Its new most powerful chip, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, even has a special version for the Samsung Galaxy S23 range. The Galaxy S, traditionally, did not have the Qualcomm processor in Europe, but this time it is the only engine that the best phones of the Korean company have.

How has this edition of the Mobile World Congress gone?

We’re excited to be here with customers who are launching products on our new platform, the Snapdragon 8 Gen2. The Samsung Galaxy S 23 is based on our platform. It is the first time that Qualcomm is in the Samsung Galaxy in Europe. So very proud, and very happy about this.

Qualcomm is no longer a company that just makes chips, it’s a global communications company, is that your mission?

We have a strong presence on devices. But we realize that more and more end-to-end communication, messages, service channels with control in the cloud are improving remote performance and quality of service to the end user, such as a company could be with delivery fleet, boats, or taxis and what they can achieve with the data available through the cloud. Instead of creating a dedicated control center for each network, they can have a single point in the cloud.

What is the next step of device communications with a normal device? Maybe satellite messages when to do when there is no coverage?

In terms of technology, it is not something new. Now it’s something new in terms of service, because you can get these emergency services all over the world. Thanks to the LEO satellites, the low earth orbit satellites. We see a lot of traction, a lot of demand, first of all for smartphones. But I would say that even more for the automotive industry, because with the car if you have an accident or an emergency or you are out of coverage, then the satellite can help you.

And in the CPUs?

The next step is to further evolve the CPU processing power of the device, particularly with AI, because with the new service app, some of them are already in place, but more can be done. Definitely going down the path of human interface with the device. With a personal assistant. We made a lot of progress with speech recognition.

How is the response from customers and partners to the new batch of Qualcomm mobile chips?

Very good. We are happy to see so many customers adopt and launch commercial devices. We are working with in the Android space. We are definitely covering the premium tier. We have a full list, but we are also satisfied with the traction we have in other markets, such as automotive.

What are they in this sector?

Three domains that combine together in a single product offering that we call the digital chassis. Because car manufacturers are redesigning the chassis due to electrification, we are at the right time with the right proposal, because they have to make the car more digital and we have to think about software-defined vehicles.

Finally, how have you seen this edition of the Mobile World Congress?

It has always been an important milestone during the year for us for all players in the industry. So we are glad that our Congress is back to normal, because it is an opportunity to compare notes, reach commercial agreements, meet new actors and establish new relationships. So it’s very, very important. This year is really good. Again, it’s back to normal. And very necessary. We missed him. So we are very happy we are active players. We are part of the family.