The hegemony of OpenAI and its ChatGPT in the field of artificial intelligence that has caused an earthquake in the technology sector in recent weeks could have its days numbered, since Google is working with DeepMind (Alphabet) to compete directly with the reference in the market.

Under the name of Gemini, this historic cooperation seeks to surpass Google’s first attempt at conversational artificial intelligence called Bard and which has so far failed to catch up with OpenAI in terms of popularity and global impact, according to The Information. .

Sources familiar with the project indicate that Gemini wants to be based on a large language model that includes up to a trillion parameters, and could be much more open than OpenAI, which does not disclose any information about architecture, size, and training data. used in their reports.

Curiosity among researchers, competing companies, and the public is growing about this new Google-sponsored project, as the tech giant continues to integrate AI applications into its own product lines, just as Microsoft is doing with OpenAI in its own. . In addition, another of Google’s pillars, its cloud services, have begun to implement artificial intelligence functions.

In addition, The Information ensures that Google would have used data from OpenAI’s ChatGPT to train its own chatbot, Bard, based on information collected from a portal called ShareGPT, where ChatGPT users share the conversations they have with this service, according to a former Google engineer.

Bard, the Google chatbot based on the Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) conversation technology, with which it hopes to enhance the search experience to offer “current and high-quality answers” would be taking advantage of the Open AI repository, something that has flatly denied Google spokesman Chris Pappas.

Google’s gamble confirms beyond a shadow of a doubt that a kind of arms race is taking place with the aim of developing the most advanced AI, quickly leaving behind regulations such as the EU AI Law, which is looking obsolete. and would leave Europe behind in this respect when it comes into force.

This rapid expansion and investment in the development of artificial intelligence means that globally the smallest providers have no answer to counter the fight of the giants due to their market penetration.

So much so that in Germany, the Federal Office of Monopolies initiated proceedings against Microsoft at the end of March for abuse of its market power, taking into account the implementation of AI applications throughout the product portfolio, which plays a role prominent in distorting competition, according to the German government.

In this way, Google seeks to respond to the concern that ChatGPT and its use have generated in search engines around the world, fearing that they could eat the cake that until now seemed untouchable for the company founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin: since January are looking for a way to counter the advance of OpenAI.