The video game has run out of its biggest event. The E3 fair, whose next edition was to be held this June in Los Angeles, has been officially canceled after multiple companies in the sector have announced their non-attendance.

The Electronic Entertainment Expo 2023 (E3 2023) had to mean the return of this veteran event to face-to-face after two years of absence. However, its owner organization, the American Entertainment Software Association (ESA), has just announced the cancellation of the event in both face-to-face and digital formats.

The news comes after companies such as Ubisoft, SEGA or Tencent announced in recent days that they would not participate, some absences that have been added to those previously announced by industry giants such as Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony.

“It’s been a difficult decision because of all the effort that we and our partners have put into making this event happen, but we’ve had to do what’s right for the industry and what’s right for E3,” said Global Vice President of ReedPop – the organizing company – Kyle Marsden-Kish, in a press release.

The video game association ESA and the British company ReedPop, who were collaborating for the first time in the organization of the event, have only referred to the cancellation of this year’s edition, since in their statement they assure that they will continue “working together in future events of the E3”.