Coinciding with the start of the first phase of the operation, which started for Easter, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has launched a new awareness campaign focused on this occasion on alcohol as a risk factor in traffic accidents. The message is given by children using the popular children’s song “Let’s tell lies”.

They verbalize the typical excuses given by people who have consumed alcohol and negligently want to get behind the wheel: “with two you don’t test positive”, “I live five minutes away”, “it was only one drink”, “don’t you see that I control ” or “nothing has ever happened to me”, among others. The end shows the dramatic consequences that this irresponsible attitude can have.

“Alcohol lies to you. Only 0 has 0 consequences” is the slogan for this awareness action that puts the youngest protagonists, who end up being the victims of traffic accidents caused by drunk drivers. The aim of the campaign is to put an end to the perception that many people have that the risk of an accident is only associated with very high levels of alcohol consumption.

And that is not the case because its negative effects on driving ability are also observed with low levels of intake. Alcohol is present, either as a concurrent factor or as a trigger, in one third of fatal traffic accidents. Likewise, according to the Report 2021 Toxicological Findings in Fatal Victims of Traffic Accidents from the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences, almost half of the deceased drivers who underwent an autopsy had alcohol and/or other drugs present in them. blood, a percentage that rises to 75% in the specific case of alcohol, all of them with very high blood alcohol levels (equal to or greater than 1.2 g/L). In addition, in 2021, 54,764 criminal convictions were handed down for traffic crimes, for driving with very high levels of alcohol.

This new awareness campaign is launched at Easter to raise awareness among drivers and avoid accidents. Last year, during this holiday period, 27 people died in 25 fatal accidents. The director of the DGT himself, Pere Navarro, a few days ago dedicated some very harsh words to drivers so that they exercise extreme caution on the road. He did so in statements collected by Europa Press, after speaking at the presentation of the Lives on the Move campaign of the Abertis Foundation.

The message he spoke can be said louder but not clearer: “As you run over someone, leave them disabled or kill them, you won’t be able to sleep at night, you won’t be able to look in the mirror, you will be hooked Anxiolytics, you’re going to end up in court, you’re going to have a conviction for drunk driving. It’s not worth the risk.”