We all know traffic lights as signaling devices that serve to regulate traffic. They also incorporate three different colors, red, yellow and green. Each one of them has a meaning and they are part of our day to day, since without thinking about it we use them on our walks or on our car trips.

But now everything could change. According to the Diario de Navarra news portal, traffic lights will soon have a fourth color. As it counts, the traffic light would have a new white light.

What would be its meaning? Well, depending on the medium, it would be a light that would not be directed at all vehicles. Only the trams and buses of regular lines would have to be governed by this white light. The rule is designed for situations in which there are no specific lanes for this type of vehicle and they have to circulate with other vehicles.

In addition, they assure from the portal that many of the cities in Spain are prepared or in the process of adapting traffic lights so that in the not too distant future they can introduce this new color.

Although it seems that it is a process that will take time to be implemented in all Spanish cities, the Highway Code has already authorized it. And it is that this is highlighted in its article 148, in section 2. “When, exceptionally, the traffic light consists of an illuminated white strip on a black circular background, its indications refer exclusively to trams and regular line buses, to unless there is a lane reserved for buses or for buses, taxis and other vehicles; in this case, they only refer to those who circulate through it”, are the exact words that detail the norm.

One of the cities that has been using these new traffic lights for some time is Barcelona. The city introduced this type of signage on some of its busiest streets, in order to better regulate traffic.