Anticyclonic weather will continue to prevail in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands this Tuesday, with a predominance of intervals of medium and high clouds, moderate rains in the north and temperatures that will once again exceed 30 degrees in some parts of the southeast of the peninsula, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

Temperatures will remain spring-like, with a slight drop in maximums, more pronounced in the extreme north and Galicia. The exception will be the southern plateau, the south of the northern plateau and the south of Aragón and Lleida.

The thermometers in Lleida will reach 27 degrees, while those in Ciudad Real will be at 26. The highest values ​​in all of Spain will be recorded in Murcia (30 degrees), Albacete and Granada (28) and Córdoba, Lleida, Seville and Zaragoza (27).

On the other hand, the minimums will remain with few changes, decreasing in the western third and increases predominating in the rest. The only (weak) frosts will be recorded in the Pyrenees.

According to the agency, this Tuesday greater instability is expected in the extreme north of the peninsula, without ruling out locally moderate showers, occasionally accompanied by a storm in the area around the eastern Cantabrian Sea and western Pyrenees in the early hours.

In the afternoon, some showers are not ruled out in the mountain environments of the northern half and eastern third of the peninsula, also with storms and more likely and intense in the north of Catalonia.

Furthermore, early in the morning, morning fog is expected on coastlines in the northern half of the Mediterranean area, which has forced the agency to activate the yellow warning due to poor visibility at a distance of two hundred meters.