Throughout the time during which a relationship is lived, it goes through all kinds of periods, some better and others worse. During all of them it is natural for doubts to arise about the situation and the future of the couple. But when this questioning remains present day after day and even hypothetical scenarios of how to tell your partner that you want to leave them are recreated in your mind, you should seriously consider whether that relationship should actually end. But how to be sure?

The fear of being wrong or regretting it, as well as the immediate future, is what prevents many from taking the plunge. However, prolonging a relationship that is doomed will not be positive at all for either party. The way to make a correct decision is based on thinking analytically and asking yourself a series of questions to find the answer.

Before making a decision, it is important to stop to reflect and analyze the relationship, especially what are the feelings that one has for the other person, what life is like as a couple and, above all, what are the expectations or what one is looking for in life. A relationship.