The President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, defended this Saturday the role that older people should play in society, an increasingly numerous group that cannot be left out of digitalization advances and processes.

Puig, has participated in the conference “Olderly connected against financial exclusion”, in which the start of the “Iai@ connectat” workshops has been presented, and where a dialogue has been held with Carlos Sanjuán, promoter of the campaign ” I’m older, not an idiot.”

On this day, the head of the Consell has highlighted the Generalitat’s plan for the installation of ATMs in depopulated municipalities, which will be extended to the neighborhoods of large cities that are also running out of bank offices. A promise with which he tries to compensate for the progressive closure of ATMs in certain areas with the problem that this entails for the elderly.

The socialist president has valued that the Sanjuán campaign was the origin of this training plan of the Generalitat for the elderly because, as he stressed, “it cannot be that digitization generates new fractures.”

Puig stated that banks “must be aware that digitization cannot stop” the relationship with these people and has indicated that public policies must advance “in the attention that must be paid to this group, which must be able to maintain its activity once the retirement age has passed.

For the president, “it is not reasonable” that older people have lost influence, when their population has grown enormously, and has stated that “if this group represents 20% of the population, they must have a clear dialogue and a role in the society”.

For his part, Carlos Sanjuán has celebrated the good reception he has received from the Generalitat, which has encouraged him to continue with his campaign, and has declared himself an “admirer” of the regional plan to guarantee banking access in rural areas , which “has become a pioneer in Spain”.