Barcelona’s street cleaning system, which was launched last year with the new contract, has not solved the problems of dirt in public spaces. That is the majority perception among the people of Barcelona, ​​as can be seen to date from the results of the interactive questionnaire for the municipal elections after two weeks of participation.

The survey carried out by Public Affairs Experts for this newspaper indicates that only 8.19% of the people who answered the questionnaire believe that the appropriate measures are being applied to alleviate what, according to many surveys, is one of the main problems of the city at this time.

The inhabitants of the Gràcia and Ciutat Vella districts are the ones who share the statement that “there has been a clear increase in cleaning brigades, as well as faster and more agile attention to resolve incidents”.

On the contrary, the residents of Les Corts and Sarrià-Sant Gervasi are the most dissatisfied with the cleaning service. 30.9% of the participants who reside in the Eixample, Horta-Guinardó and Sant Martí believe that the problem is not in the amount of resources used but in their management.

The residents of Sants-Montjuïc, Nou Barris and Sant Andreu are the ones who are most committed to the total municipalization of this service in the face of what they consider to be poor management by the concessionary companies. On the other hand, this affirmation is only supported by 7.53% of the participants in the electoral interactive of La Vanguardia registered in the district of Sarrià_Sant Gervasi.

Xavier Trias continues to stand out in the lead as the candidate for mayor of Barcelona preferred by the readers who have responded to the Public Affairs Experts questionnaire on the La Vanguardia website.

The former mayor, who aspires to recover the command rod on May 28, is the candidate selected by 31.34% of the participants in this interactive. The percentages have barely changed compared to the first week. In the accumulated, Trias is preferred by 31.34% and maintains an advantage of almost 13 points over the socialist Jaume Collboni (18.52%) and the current mayoress and candidate of BComú, Ada Colau, who remains in third position with 16.49%.

The Republican Ernest Maragall (10.22%) remains at a considerable distance, while the Valents candidate, Eva Parera, advances one position and stands very slightly ahead of the popular Daniel Sirera (5.88 and 5.57%, respectively). In the last positions Anna Grau (Citizens), the one preferred by 4.36%; Gonzalo del Oro (Vox), with 4.34%, and the CUP candidate, Bansha Changue (3.28%).

The questionnaire also explores the opinion of the people of Barcelona, ​​based on the statements made by the candidates for mayor, about citizen insecurity, which invariably appears in all published surveys as the number one problem in the city.

Almost half of those surveyed share the opinion that there is no justice necessary to address the security model that a large city like Barcelona requires. This opinion is widely spread among the inhabitants of Ciutat Vella, Horta-Guinardó, Sants-Montjuïc and Sant Marti. In the specific case of Ciutat Vella, 52.94% adhere to this statement.

Despite the growing conflict of this phenomenon, which has forced the Mossos d’Esquadra and the Urban Police to take special measures, only 15.03% believe that the problem of insecurity is mainly associated with the lack of control of white weapons. The district that is most in agreement with this statement is that of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, followed by Les Corts and Sant Andreu.

Nearly 5% of the participants in the interactive think that when security issues depend on the City Council, the result is positive, but when they depend on the Generalitat, the same is not the case.

One of the aspects that is increasingly associated with security problems, in addition to those related to difficulties in accessing housing, is the occupation of flats. Almost one in four Barcelonans (26.2%) believes that not all occupations should be treated equally and that the law should distinguish those that have a criminal nature from those to which vulnerable families resort.

A very similar proportion of those surveyed (27.49%) agree with express eviction, that is, one that can be carried out in 24 hours and also that there is an anti-squatter office and greater police pressure to be able to evict more quickly.

Likewise, 15.06% value that judges and magistrates have the possibility of applying precautionary measures within a period of 48 hours from the moment the occupation occurs. 32.7% of the residents of Sant-Montjuïc, Sant Andreu, Gràcia and Ciutat Vella maintain that occupation for economic and social reasons is not the same as occupation for clearly criminal intent. This opinion drops to 15.71% among the residents of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi.

With regard to the punishment of the squatters, 15% of those surveyed identify themselves in the first place with the affirmation that the penalties for the crimes of usurpation of real estate should be aggravated and better tools should be offered to the security forces and bodies to combat the ocupation. The districts most in favor of this statement are those of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi and les Corts.