The Spanish Association of Civil Guards (AEGC) has demanded that the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, declare the Civil Guard a risky profession following the death this morning of two agents from the Rapid Action Group (GAR) when they were run over. by a truck accidentally at a checkpoint on the AP-4, near the Sevillian town of Los Palacios.

Through a statement, the association has mourned the death of two of its colleagues and has conveyed its condolences to the families of all the deceased, indicating that although “some think it is not the time”, the best way to honor them is by claiming to the Ministry of the Interior to recognize civil guards as a risky profession.

“From AEGC we demand that the Minister of the Interior comply with his subordinates, the civil guards, and once and for all consider us a risk profession, because we are a risk profession even if he continues to refuse to see us that way,” the text reads. , where it is assured that the agents of the Armed Institute and their families do not deserve to have Marlaska as head of the Interior.

AEGC has asked Marlaska how many more civil guards “have to die in the exercise” for them to be considered a risky profession, while they have criticized the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, for “continuing to remain silent watching how civil guards die” without “raising his voice in the Council of Ministers”.

Furthermore, the association has assured that both Robles’ “silence” and Marlaska’s “ineffectiveness” are “complicit” in each of the deaths that occurred. He has also indicated that, even knowing that “it is time to mourn and honor” her colleagues, “there is no better” commemoration than requesting the declaration of a risk profession for the Civil Guard.

“Every minute that passes without being a risky profession, every injured person and every dead person will fall on your back. You are responsible,” the AEGC concluded in its statement.

For its part, the Civil Guard has sent a “painful goodbye” to the six deceased in the road accident that occurred in Seville, among them First Corporal Eneko and Civil Guard Juan Jesús, belonging to the GAR and who were serving in a verification device. police.

“Our condolences to the families, colleagues and friends. We wish a speedy recovery to the other 3 injured GAR civil guards,” La Benemérita expressed in a message on the X social network.

The National Police has also expressed itself in this regard, sending its most sincere condolences to the family and friends of the six people who died in the accident, wishing in turn a speedy recovery to the injured.

“Our most sincere condolences to the family and friends of the six people who died, including two agents of the GAR Civil Guard, in a road accident that occurred today in Los Palacios. We wish a speedy recovery to the injured,” the message reads. statement also published in X.