The National Police have arrested a man as the alleged perpetrator of the rape suffered by another in a sauna in the Madrid neighborhood of Malasaña, frequented by the homosexual community, and are looking for another who could also have participated in the events.

The event, which is being investigated by the Family and Women Care Unit (UFAM), in charge of this type of crimes, occurred around 11:15 p.m. last Saturday.

According to police sources, the victim, a 40-year-old Spanish national, reported that he lost consciousness for a time and when he woke up he found his two attackers penetrating him anally and orally.

Alerted, the agents moved quickly and managed to arrest one of the alleged perpetrators of the attack, a 26-year-old Romanian man.

Investigators, who suspect that the victim may have been drugged, are looking for the other alleged perpetrator, who fled the scene before they could arrest him.

The victim, as established by the sexual assault protocol, was transferred to the Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital to undergo the corresponding examinations.

It all happened inside the Paraíso sauna, which was temporarily closed in 2022 when it was found that part of the monkeypox transmissions that occurred then came from the establishment.